Traffic tickets can lead to fines, demerit points, vehicle impoundment and driving prohibitions. But traffic tickets can be beaten. Ticketz Canada is specially equipped to examine the circumstances of your case and launch a tactical defence.
When we meet, we’ll discuss your case and any related documents you can provide; answer your questions; and provide you with the estimated cost of retaining our services.
When you retain Ticketz Canada, you’ll move forward with an experienced traffic lawyer by your side and our entire team of defence lawyers ready to assist the lawyer handling your case. Our team-based approach means your defence is strengthened by the skill and insight of multiple lawyers whose backgrounds include both defending and prosecuting.
Additional Information
Please contact the office by telephone, email or use our website submission form below. Almost all cases can be handled by telephone or email. If a meeting is required, we will let you know and will book a specific time for you. All initial consultations by phone, or online, are always free and without obligation. All sales are final and there are no refunds. We are looking forward to helping you!